React's Market Opportunity

The React Network generates value by providing data and electrons to the energy market. As highlighted in the sections above, the energy grid is becoming an increasingly complex system with the proliferation of renewable generation as well as the electrification of massive new segments. Optimizing the grid edge to serve as a decentralized balancing mechanism is critical to modernizing and strengthening our energy system.

Need for Energy Flexibility

Providing Data

Energy data today is decades behind other industries. Wide-scale real-time energy consumption data does not exist. Energy data is shared manually, in bespoke formats from each source. Utility data from smart meters is only accessible as interval data (typically 15-minute intervals) and cannot be shared in real-time. As the complexity of the energy grid increases through electrification, a horizontal platform for real-time, standardized, granular energy data is key to modernizing our energy system.

In an era where software eats everything, the grid of tomorrow should look like the internet. The digital truth lies in unified data connectivity that provides universal visibility, communication, and actionability.

The hardware backbone of React is the network of community-deployed energy monitors located at load sources across the grid. These devices are easily self-installed on a typical breaker panel, and stream real-time data back to React. This data is standardized and can be used to generate value from multiple counterparties, including:

  • Consumer energy technology and energy efficiency companies

  • Utilities

  • Retail electricity providers (REPs)

  • Energy demand forecasting

  • Fire insurance

Providing Electrons

React’s incentive system incentivizes the community to connect all the controllable energy devices in their properties. React is able to coordinate these devices to impact the flow of electrons on the grid, via the React Energy Management System (EMS). The React EMS can provide flexibility by injecting supply in the case of exporting battery capacity or reducing demand in the form of controllable load resources. The network can be compensated by coordinating these electrons via the EMS to alleviate stress on the grid during dispatch events.

React’s data and electron networks work in tandem to generate value for the community. Real-time data is imperative for optimizing dispatch of connected energy devices, as well as measuring and verifying their response. Similarly, connecting energy devices enriches the available real-time data and creates a horizontal platform for data access, increasing the total value of the data network. Together, React will become the leading network of grid edge data and resources to modernize the energy system.

Last updated